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Dragii nostri iubitori de crestere si dezvoltare personala,

Va invitam la cea mai transformationala experienta din viata voastra!

Va invitam la un Festival de spiritualitate si self development de NERATAT pe insula zeilor- Bali! 

Aceasta intalnire este o fuziune perfecta intre cunostintele oferite de un training, profunzimea unui RETREAT, dar si distractia si comunitatea unui festival. Am conceput un minunat mix intre cele 3 abordari. 

Avand experienta a peste 20 de retreaturi exotice si peste 1000 de participanti, stim sigur ca iti vom aduce un program transformational care iti va ramane in suflet pe viata!

O saptamana de accelerare printr-o serie de clase, workshop-uri, petreceri si ceremonii de healing!

Sapte zile full on, cu un program incarcat spiritual  dar si fun in acelasi timp!

Primele ediții  au fost un mare, mare succes! Peste 100 de persoane in cele doua ediții,  insetate de cunoastere au trait transformari miraculoase alaturi de noi si invitatii noștri internationali!


Festivalul din Bali are un vibe aparte: se leaga prietenii, avem ca invitati speakerii si profesori internationali; se creaza o atmosfera plina de inspiratie, de insight-uri si emotii elevate. Ghizii nostri spirituali invitati din toata lumea: US, UK, Australia, Franta, India, etc au inspirat pe viata partcicipantii nostri, iar acum e randul tau!

Noi lucram luni de zile la programul festivalului si aducem cei mai buni specialisti din toata lumea pentru a tine workshop-urile si activările!

Misiunea noastra este ca tu sa ai posibilitatea sa accesezi resursele din interiorul tau si sa obtii uneltele necesare pentru a hrani cele mai bune parti din tine, in timp ce te vindeci de ce te tine in loc.

Mai mult decat un retreat, Festivalul din Aprilie este un training intensiv avand in fiecare zi o tema diferita si mai multe cursuri – meditatie, yoga, healthy living, yoga philososphy, integrative nutrition, NLP exercises, self-hypnosis, tantra classes, breath work, daily motivational talks, ayurveda, love and relationships coaching, osho meditations, spirituality development, water & fire purifications, Silent day, Priest blessings, cutting cords ceremonies, sound healing, changing limiting beliefs, conquering fears, manifestation, Self- Love coaching, balancing feminine & masculine energy, ecstatic dans si… desigur, am lasat putin timp liber pentru descoperirea acestui paradis.


Imagineaza-ti cum te trezesti pe teritoriul unui hotel de 5 stele, cu un design traditional balinez, peste 8 piscine; si multa multa natura si locuri instagramabile!

Fiecare zi o incepi cu o clasa de yoga cu un nou instructor de yoga zilnic. The best of the best!

Dupa un mic dejun sanatos, incepe ziua de workshop-uri.

Doua workshop-uri pana la pranz si alte doua clase dupa pauza de pranz. Cei mai buni specialisti in domeniu, clasele se tin in engleza si doar cateva in romana.

Seara o incheiem cu: tibetan bowls, sound healing la piramide, ceremonia focului Agni Hotra, vizita si puja la un Ashram, ecstatic dance cu un DJ faimos!

In fiecare seara avem ceva fun in program. 

Dar si mult healing, foarte mult healing! Preoți, cei mai autentici si puternici healeri, tămăduire si eliberare la greu!

La sfârșit, n-o sa te recunosti! O sa simți diferit si o sa arăți diferit! Noi glumim spunând ca acest festival îți scoate 10 ani de pe fata, așa multă eliberare si activare facem!

Sapte zile incarcate si magice! Va promitem c-o sa va placa asa mult incat n-o sa vreti sa pierdeti nicio activitate.

Programul este ultra full!

Din acest motiv va invitam sa va luati zile extra pentru a face lucruri in afara programului de Festival.

Incantat/a deja? Mai avem multe vesti bune pentru tine!!!

    Acest festival este dedicat tuturor:  femeilor, barbatilor, cuplurilor chiar si familiilor!

    Copiii si însoțitorii au preț redus, dă-ne un mesaj pentru detalii!

    Nu conteaza nivelul tau de pregatire sau experienta in dezvoltarea personala, Content-ul festivalului  te va intalni la etapa la care esti!

    Acest eveniment este potrivit si celor care nu vorbesc limba romana, invitatii straini vor tine workshop-urile in engleza!

    Va lasam aici cateva filmulete ca sa simtiti si voi un pic din energia festivalului.

    Editia din 2025 se va tine in mai, va lasam mai jos detaliile:


1-7 Mai 2025


Ubud, Bali


1790€ early bird /  1900 € pret full


790€ (nereturnabil) suma integrala se achita in doua transe

la inscriere se achita avansul de 790 euro in contul firmei, restul la hotel, la fata locului. Vei primi factura pentru intreaga suma

Copiii si însoțitorii au preț redus, dă-ne un mesaj pentru detalii!

Apasa aici pentru a te inregistra si plati avansul: 

Ce contine pachetul festivalului:
  • Cazare hotel traditional   5* , 7 zile, 6 nopti in camera dubla.  Pentru pachet single sau cu insotitori exista un supliment
  • 2 mese pe zi
  • Ceremoniile locale de purificare cu preoti si healeri balinezi: ceremonia de blessing si energie feminina; ceremonia focului, ceremonia cu apa 
  • Peste 5 workshopuri/ traininguri pe zi cu invitati locali si internationali
  • Program de seara: tibetan bowls, sound healing la piramide, ceremonia focului Agni Hotra, vizita si puja la un Ashram, ecstatic dance cu un DJ faimos!
  • Doua iesiri tot pentru healing: Experienta Sound healing la Piramide; o Vizita la Ashram unde vom tine o Puja, vom canta mantre impreuna cu Guru ashramului
  • Poti sa vii impreuna cu intreaga familie, da-ne un mesaj pentru conditiile de participare

Gazdele tale:

Crina Andrei si echipa My Barefoot Journey

Crina Andrei si echipa My barefoot journey au organizat zeci de retreaturi in Bali, Kerala, GOA, Sri Lanka si mai nou in California.

Echipa My Barefoot Journey a organizat si Bali Transformational Festival din aprilie 2023.

In ultimii ani platforma MBJ a gazduit zeci de cursuri si workshopuri online, iar Crina a lucrat cu mii de femei din toata lumea in grupuri de coaching sau one on one.

Pe langa expertiza in domeniul dezvoltarii personale, Crina este si fondatoarea brandului de bijuterii de lux- Mayuri Fine Jewellery. @mayuri_fine_jewellery

Cateva din atestarile Crinei:
  • Brain Health Professional
  • Coaching- Advanced Coaching Certification;
  • Consilier psihologie holistica atestat de catre Institutul din Mumbai
  • Instructor YOGA atestat de catre Yoga Alliance,
  • Certificare in Human Design
  • Certificare in Chakra psychology, Chrystal therapy, NLP Core skills, Hypnosis, Yoga sutras certification, Yoga philosophy, Vedic Philosophy Initiere Meditatie Sahaj Samadhi, TM Meditation, studii individuale in Ayurveda; Master Course on Yoga Psychology & Philosophy; Ayurveda Psychology, Internal Family Systems

Andreea Ionita
Fondatoarea comunitatii Suntuncopac

Leader, antreprenor, speaker motivațional, psiholog în formare, consilier în dezvoltare personală, coach internațional powered by Tony Robbins, Trainer / Instructor ThetaHealing, Terapeut ThetaHealing, Instructor YOGA atestat de către Yoga Alliance, terapeut EFT eliberare emoţională, Terapeut Matrix Reimprinting & ReBirth Reimprinting, facilitator Meditații Active OSHO, facilitator tanse de relaxare și vindecare Metoda Silva, Imageria Inimii şi metodă Hopponopono. Creatoarea a peste 20 programe online în 2020-2023 și organizatoarea a peste 20 retreaturi exotice în Bali, India, Italia și Maroc și a peste 80 de tabere de feminitate în țară.

Andreea a ghidat peste 15000 de femei în programele online, în retreaturile     sale exotice sau la evenimentele și workshopurile live. Crede în miracole și în viața frumoasă prin conectarea cu Creatorul. Această îi este și misiunea, să te susțină și pe tine să te conectezi cu puterea ta Creatoare și să manifești din vibrația ta cea mai înaltă!

Our dear lovers of personal growth and development,

We invite you to the most transformational experience of your life!

We invite you to a spirituality and self-development festival like no other on the Island of the Gods - Bali! This gathering is a perfect fusion of the knowledge offered by a training, the depth of a retreat, and the fun and community of a festival. We have designed a wonderful mix of these three approaches. 

With experience from over 20 exotic retreats and over 1000 participants, we are certain to bring you a transformational program that will stay with you for life!

A week of acceleration through a series of classes, workshops, parties, and healing ceremonies!

Seven full days, with a spiritually charged program that's also fun at the same time!

The first editions of the festival were a huge success! Over 100 knowledge-hungry individuals experienced miraculous transformations with us and our international guests.


The Bali festival has a unique vibe: friendships are formed, international speakers and teachers are invited; an atmosphere full of inspiration, insights, and elevated emotions is created. Our spiritual guides invited from all over the world: US, UK, Australia, France, India, etc., have inspired our participants for life, and now it's your turn!

We have been working for months on the festival program and are bringing in the best specialists from all over the world to teach the classes.

Our mission is for you to have the opportunity to access the resources within you and obtain the tools needed to nurture the best parts of yourself while healing what is holding you back.

More than a retreat, the April Festival is an intensive training with a different theme and multiple courses every day – meditation, yoga, healthy living, yoga philosophy, integrative nutrition, NLP exercises, self-hypnosis, tantra classes, breath work, daily motivational talks, Ayurveda, love and relationships coaching, Osho meditations, spirituality development, water & fire purifications, Silent day, Priest blessings, cutting cords ceremonies, sound healing, changing limiting beliefs, conquering fears, manifestation, Self-Love coaching, balancing feminine & masculine energy, ecstatic dance, and... of course, we have left some free time for discovering this paradise.


Imagine waking up on the grounds of a 5-star hotel with traditional Balinese design, over 8 pools, and plenty of nature and charming places!

Each day begins with a yoga class with a new daily yoga instructor. The best of the best!

After a healthy breakfast, the day of workshops begins.

Two workshops before lunch and two more after the lunch break. The best specialists in the field, classes are held in English and only a few in Romanian.

We end the evening with Tibetan bowls, sound healing at the pyramids, Agni Hotra fire ceremony, visit and puja at an ashram, ecstatic dance with a famous DJ!

We have something fun in the program every night. 

But also, a lot of healing – powerful healers and priests offering profound healing and release!

In the end, you won't recognize yourself! You will feel different and you will look different! We joke that this festival takes 10 years off your face, that's how much release and activation we do!

Seven magical and full days! We promise you'll enjoy it so much that you won't want to miss any activity. The schedule is super packed!

For this reason, we invite you to take extra days to do things outside the Festival program.

Delighted already? We have more good news for you!!!

    This festival is dedicated to everyone: women, men, couples, and even families!

    Children and companions have reduced rates, send us a message for details!

    Your level of preparation or experience in personal development doesn't matter; the festival content will meet you where you are!

    This event is also suitable for those who do not speak Romanian, as our foreign guests will conduct the workshops in English!

    We've included a few videos here so you can feel a bit of the festival's energy.

    The 2025 edition will take place in May, details below:


1-7 May 2025


Ubud, Bali


1790€ early bird /  1900 €  full price


790€ (non-refundable) the full amount is paid in two installments

upon registration, the deposit of 790 euros is paid to the company's account, the rest at the hotel, on the spot. You will receive an invoice for the entire amount

Children and accompanying adults have a discounted price, message us for details!

Click here to register and pay the deposit: 

What does the festival package include?
  • 7 days and 6 nights of traditional 5-star hotel accommodation in a double room. There is a supplement for single occupancy or if you are traveling with companions.
  • 2 meals per day
  • Local purification ceremonies with Balinese priests and healers: blessing and feminine energy ceremony, fire ceremony, water ceremony 
  • Over 5 workshops/training sessions per day with local and international guests
  • Evening program: Tibetan bowls, sound healing at the pyramids, Agni Hotra fire ceremony, visit and puja at an Ashram, ecstatic dance with a famous DJ.
  • Two additional healing experiences outside the hotel perimeter: Sound healing at the Pyramids and a visit to an Ashram where we will participate in a Puja and sing mantras with the Ashram's Guru.
  • You can come with your entire family; send us a message for participation details

Your hosts:

Crina Andrei and the My Barefoot Journey team

Crina Andrei and the My barefoot journey team have organized dozens of retreats in Bali, Kerala, GOA, Sri Lanka and more recently in California.

The My Barefoot Journey team also organized the Bali Transformational Festival from April 2023

In recent years, the MBJ platform has hosted dozens of online courses and workshops, and Crina has worked with thousands of women from all over the world in coaching groups or one on one.

In addition to expertise in the field of personal development, Crina is also the founder of the luxury jewelry brand - Mayuri Fine Jewellery. @mayuri_fine_jewellery

Some of Crina's certifications
  • Brain Health Professional
  • Coaching- Advanced Coaching Certification
  • Holistic psychology counselor certified by the Mumbai Institute
  • YOGA instructor certified by Yoga Alliance
  • Certification in Human Design
  • Certification in Chakra psychology, Crystal therapy, NLP Core skills, Hypnosis, Yoga sutras certification, Yoga philosophy, Vedic Philosophy Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Initiation, TM Meditation, individual studies in Ayurveda; Master Course on Yoga Psychology & Philosophy; Ayurveda Psychology, Internal Family Systems,

Andreea Ionita
The founder of the Suntuncopac community

Leader, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, psychologist in training, personal development advisor, international coach powered by Tony Robbins, ThetaHealing Trainer / Instructor, ThetaHealing Therapist, YOGA Instructor certified by Yoga Alliance, EFT emotional release therapist, Matrix Reimprinting & ReBirth Reimprinting Therapist , OSHO Active Meditation facilitator, Silva Method relaxation and healing facilitator, Heart Imagery and Hopponopono method. Creator of over 20 online programs in 2020-2023 and organizer of over 20 exotic retreats in Bali, India, Italy and Morocco and over 80 women's camps in the country.

Andreea has guided over 15,000 women in online programs, in her exotic retreats or at live events and workshops. Believe in miracles and the beautiful life by connecting with the Creator. This is also her mission, to support you to connect with your Creative power and manifest from your highest vibration!

Our dear lovers of personal growth and development,

We invite you to the most transformational experience of your life!

We invite you to a spirituality and self-development festival like no other on the Island of the Gods - Bali! This gathering is a perfect fusion of the knowledge offered by a training, the depth of a retreat, and the fun and community of a festival. We have designed a wonderful mix of these three approaches. With experience from over 20 exotic retreats and over 1000 participants, we are certain to bring you a transformational program that will stay with you for life!

A week of acceleration through a series of classes, workshops, parties, and healing ceremonies!

Seven full days, with a spiritually charged program that's also fun at the same time!

The first edition of the festival took place in April 2023 and was a huge success! Over 50 knowledge-hungry individuals experienced miraculous transformations with us and our international guests.

The Bali festival has a unique vibe: friendships are formed, international speakers and teachers are invited; an atmosphere full of inspiration, insights, and elevated emotions is created. Our spiritual guides invited from all over the world: US, UK, Australia, France, India, etc., have inspired our participants for life, and now it's your turn!

We have been working for months on the festival program and are bringing in the best specialists from all over the world to teach the classes.

Imagine waking up on the grounds of a 5-star hotel with traditional Balinese design, over 8 pools, and plenty of nature and charming places!

Each day begins with a yoga class with a new daily yoga instructor. The best of the best!

After a healthy breakfast, the day of workshops begins.

Two workshops before lunch and two more after the lunch break. The best specialists in the field, classes are held in English and only a few in Romanian.

We end the evening with Tibetan bowls, sound healing at the pyramids, Agni Hotra fire ceremony, visit and puja at an ashram, ecstatic dance with a famous DJ!

We have something in the program every night. Seven magical and full days! We promise you'll enjoy it so much that you won't want to miss any activity.

For this reason, we invite you to take extra days to do things outside the Festival program.

Delighted already? We have more good news for you!!!

    Our mission is for you to have the opportunity to access the resources within you and obtain the tools needed to nurture the best parts of yourself while healing what is holding you back.

    More than a retreat, the April Festival is an intensive training with a different theme and multiple courses every day – meditation, yoga, healthy living, yoga philosophy, integrative nutrition, NLP exercises, self-hypnosis, tantra classes, breath work, daily motivational talks, Ayurveda, love and relationships coaching, Osho meditations, spirituality development, water & fire purifications, Silent day, Priest blessings, cutting cords ceremonies, sound healing, changing limiting beliefs, conquering fears, manifestation, Self-Love coaching, balancing feminine & masculine energy, ecstatic dance, and... of course, we have left some free time for discovering this paradise.

    This festival is dedicated to everyone: women, men, couples, and even families!

    Your level of preparation or experience in personal development doesn't matter; the festival content will meet you where you are!

    This event is also suitable for those who do not speak Romanian, as our foreign guests will conduct the workshops in English!

    We've included a few videos here so you can feel a bit of the festival's energy.

    The 2024 edition will take place in May, details below:


8-14 May 2024


Ubud, Bali




650€ (non-refundable) the full amount is paid in two installments

upon registration, the deposit of 650 euros is paid to the company's account, the rest at the hotel, on the spot. You will receive an invoice for the entire amount

Click here to register and pay the deposit: 

The festival package includes:
  • 7 days and 6 nights of traditional 5-star hotel accommodation in a double room. There is a supplement for single occupancy or if you are traveling with companions.
  • 2 meals per day.
  • Local purification ceremonies with Balinese priests and healers: blessing and feminine energy ceremony, fire ceremony, water ceremony.
  • Over 5 workshops/training sessions per day with local and international guests.
  • Evening program: Tibetan bowls, sound healing at the pyramids, Agni Hotra fire ceremony, visit and puja at an Ashram, ecstatic dance with a famous DJ.
  • Two additional healing experiences outside the hotel perimeter: Sound healing at the Pyramids and a visit to an Ashram where we will participate in a Puja and sing mantras with the Ashram's Guru.
  • You can come with your entire family; send us a message for participation details.

Your hosts:

Crina Andrei and the My Barefoot Journey team

Crina Andrei and the My barefoot journey team have organized dozens of retreats in Bali, Kerala, GOA, Sri Lanka and more recently in California.

The My Barefoot Journey team also organized the Bali Transformational Festival from April 2023

In recent years, the MBJ platform has hosted dozens of online courses and workshops, and Crina has worked with thousands of women from all over the world in coaching groups or one on one.

In addition to expertise in the field of personal development, Crina is also the founder of the luxury jewelry brand - Mayuri Fine Jewellery. @mayuri_fine_jewellery

Cateva din atestarile Crinei:
  • Coaching - Advanced Coaching Certification;
  • Holistic psychology counselor certified by the Mumbai Institute,
  • YOGA instructor certified by Yoga Alliance,
  • Certification in Human Design
  • Certification in Chakra psychology, Crystal therapy, NLP Core skills, Hypnosis, Yoga sutras certification, Yoga philosophy, Vedic Philosophy Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Initiation, TM Meditation, individual studies in Ayurveda; Master Course on Yoga Psychology & Philosophy; Ayurveda Psychology, Internal Family Systems,

Andreea Ionita
The founder of the Suntuncopac community

Leader, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, psychologist in training, personal development advisor, international coach powered by Tony Robbins, ThetaHealing Trainer / Instructor, ThetaHealing Therapist, YOGA Instructor certified by Yoga Alliance, EFT emotional release therapist, Matrix Reimprinting & ReBirth Reimprinting Therapist , OSHO Active Meditation facilitator, Silva Method relaxation and healing facilitator, Heart Imagery and Hopponopono method. Creator of over 20 online programs in 2020-2023 and organizer of over 20 exotic retreats in Bali, India, Italy and Morocco and over 80 women's camps in the country.

Andreea has guided over 15,000 women in online programs, in her exotic retreats or at live events and workshops. Believe in miracles and the beautiful life by connecting with the Creator. This is also her mission, to support you to connect with your Creative power and manifest from your highest vibration!