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Crina Andrei si echipa My barefoot journey au organizat zeci de retreaturi in Bali, Kerala, GOA, Sri Lanka si mai nou in California.
Echipa My Barefoot Journey a organizat si Bali Transformational Festival din aprilie 2023.
In ultimii ani platforma MBJ a gazduit zeci de cursuri si workshopuri online, iar Crina a lucrat cu mii de femei din toata lumea in grupuri de coaching sau one on one.
Pe langa expertiza in domeniul dezvoltarii personale, Crina este si fondatoarea brandului de bijuterii de lux- Mayuri Fine Jewellery. @mayuri_fine_jewellery
Leader, antreprenor, speaker motivațional, psiholog în formare, consilier în dezvoltare personală, coach internațional powered by Tony Robbins, Trainer / Instructor ThetaHealing, Terapeut ThetaHealing, Instructor YOGA atestat de către Yoga Alliance, terapeut EFT eliberare emoţională, Terapeut Matrix Reimprinting & ReBirth Reimprinting, facilitator Meditații Active OSHO, facilitator tanse de relaxare și vindecare Metoda Silva, Imageria Inimii şi metodă Hopponopono. Creatoarea a peste 20 programe online în 2020-2023 și organizatoarea a peste 20 retreaturi exotice în Bali, India, Italia și Maroc și a peste 80 de tabere de feminitate în țară.
Crina Andrei and the My barefoot journey team have organized dozens of retreats in Bali, Kerala, GOA, Sri Lanka and more recently in California.
The My Barefoot Journey team also organized the Bali Transformational Festival from April 2023
In recent years, the MBJ platform has hosted dozens of online courses and workshops, and Crina has worked with thousands of women from all over the world in coaching groups or one on one.
In addition to expertise in the field of personal development, Crina is also the founder of the luxury jewelry brand - Mayuri Fine Jewellery. @mayuri_fine_jewellery
Leader, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, psychologist in training, personal development advisor, international coach powered by Tony Robbins, ThetaHealing Trainer / Instructor, ThetaHealing Therapist, YOGA Instructor certified by Yoga Alliance, EFT emotional release therapist, Matrix Reimprinting & ReBirth Reimprinting Therapist , OSHO Active Meditation facilitator, Silva Method relaxation and healing facilitator, Heart Imagery and Hopponopono method. Creator of over 20 online programs in 2020-2023 and organizer of over 20 exotic retreats in Bali, India, Italy and Morocco and over 80 women's camps in the country.
Crina Andrei and the My barefoot journey team have organized dozens of retreats in Bali, Kerala, GOA, Sri Lanka and more recently in California.
The My Barefoot Journey team also organized the Bali
Transformational Festival from April 2023
In recent years, the MBJ platform has hosted dozens of online courses and workshops, and Crina has worked with thousands of women from all over the world in coaching groups or one on one.
In addition to expertise in the field of personal development, Crina is also the founder of the luxury jewelry brand - Mayuri Fine Jewellery. @mayuri_fine_jewellery
Leader, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, psychologist in training, personal development advisor, international coach powered by Tony Robbins, ThetaHealing Trainer / Instructor, ThetaHealing Therapist, YOGA Instructor certified by Yoga Alliance, EFT emotional release therapist, Matrix Reimprinting & ReBirth Reimprinting Therapist , OSHO Active Meditation facilitator, Silva Method relaxation and healing facilitator, Heart Imagery and Hopponopono method. Creator of over 20 online programs in 2020-2023 and organizer of over 20 exotic retreats in Bali, India, Italy and Morocco and over 80 women's camps in the country.